Wrongful Convictions / Malicious Prosecution Lawyers – Chicago

Wrongful convictions are heart wrenching because you stand to lose a lot of things for no fault of yours. Besides losing a lot of precious productive time, you also face emotional trauma. Although you cannot get back the time you spend in prison, you should fight for your dignity and obtain rightful compensation. If you have been the victim of malicious prosecution, the experienced and skilled lawyers at the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC can be of service.

How can the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC help you if you have been a victim of wrongful conviction or malicious prosecution?

The law in Chicago and the United States in general is very friendly towards people who have faced wrongful convictions or have been prosecuted maliciously. For instance, in 2012, Thaddeus Jimenez was awarded a monetary compensation of $25 million for being forced to spend 16 years in prison without being guilty of the crime he was sentenced to.

There are numerous other victims of malicious prosecutions who have been awarded millions of dollars as compensation for their compensation.

At the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC, we understand and accept the fact that defending a person who has already been convicted is immensely challenging. So, we are extremely attentive and guarded while dealing with wrongful convictions. The entire legal matter involving these cases is immensely complex.

Our experience and expertise enables us to identify and analyze the legal traps involved in these cases. We know how to overcome motions of dismissal. We know how to build a strong defense in order to convince a possibly prejudiced jury about the defendant’s innocence.

Why hire the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC?

When it comes to wrongful convictions, you cannot deny the fact that the prosecution has an advantage because it has already proven the defendant to be guilty. To undo the damage that they have already done and to recreate the case from a different angle requires experience as well as expertise.

In these cases, the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC has special expertise because we are enriched by our experience. We can assure you that hiring us is definitely going to be a good decision.

At the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC, we pay a great deal of attention to every case. Our intention is to win the case in favor of our client and get the highest possible compensation, irrespective of the social importance of monetary factors related to the case. When you work with us, you can be assured about fair treatment.

Contact the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC and fight for justice against the wrongful conviction.

Call or email us TODAY!

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